Wires in User Flow: Shows the user is in the process of making selections while ordering their meal from a self-service kiosk.
Low Fidelity User Flows: Before I get to the wiring stage shown above, I save time by addressing and solving problems BEFORE I get to the wiring stage. I share my sketches, done using my sharpie and tracing paper, with the team, stakeholders and developers, so we can find possible tech constraints and pain points at this stage. See more below.
Self Ordering Feature on Kiosk

My Role: I was brought in to serve as the the UX Designer and IA on this project for NCR. I created the following: User Flows and Wires, both low and high fidelity, as well as performed and analyzed industry research, user research, competition and design patterns.

User Goal: While placing an order at a restaurant kiosk, the customer would like to be able to customize the order, specifically put an item on the side.

Software used: Sketch

Business Requirement: Create an easy and quick way for the customer to put an item on the side while ordering from a fast casual restaurant kiosk, whether it is a required or an optional item.

Freelance, Full-time, Moonlighting
Laurie Warlick
Visual, UX and Graphic Design Consultant GA