Title - This was initially a junior industrial design studio project that ultimately received 1st Place in the Product Design Category of the 2006 form-Z International Joint Study Competition.
1 - This was initially a junior industrial design studio project that ultimately received 1st Place in the Product Design Category of the 2006 form-Z International Joint Study Competition.
2 - This was initially a junior industrial design studio project that ultimately received 1st Place in the Product Design Category of the 2006 form-Z International Joint Study Competition.
3 - This was initially a junior industrial design studio project that ultimately received 1st Place in the Product Design Category of the 2006 form-Z International Joint Study Competition.
4 - This was initially a junior industrial design studio project that ultimately received 1st Place in the Product Design Category of the 2006 form-Z International Joint Study Competition.
5 - This was initially a junior industrial design studio project that ultimately received 1st Place in the Product Design Category of the 2006 form-Z International Joint Study Competition.
Luke Johnson
Industrial Desiger/Freelancer Seymour, CT