Hand drawn sketches are used as the inspiration for the initial character design, which acts as an anchor for the rest of the frames.
The characters are laid out into sprite sheets, where each frame is aligned into a grid for easy placement when used as a graphic in the game.
This character, a member of the Orobou clan in the game, was a challenge to succinctly animate. In just 8 frames I wanted to have this little guy bounce and squeeze. Using the placement of the white circle atop its head allowed me to convey more motion.
Here is the Vitaeli clan sprite sheet, and some frames look super funky by themselves. But the exaggerated shape in individual frames with some thoughtful motion for its white triangle on its head gives this character dimension and emotion.
The Terratin clan character is very boxy, and without the square light on its body, it would be very hard to be visually convincing of its dimension and feasibility.
There are also monsters in this game. The written content is pretty wild (one might say childish) which lends itself to the varied designs of these monsters.
Lentibam Characters

These are the character designs and animations for a game that I am building called lentibam. You can view the source code in progress at github

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