One of mine and Sarah's biggest jobs was coming up with ideas for grafitti around the school. Some we made as Banksy-style stencils, others freehand tags and doodles, plus some larger scale murals like the white rabbit. The school kids were divided into various tribes (emos, chavs, geeks, etc.) so we tried to make the designs fit each group
Our designs popped up everywhere (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
The weeing dog (my favourite!) and Bianca's tag (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
The weeing dog again! Plus The Flammables' (nu-rave kids) calling card (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
(copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
We also created a large scale mural for the emo area of the dorm
One of the funnest jobs was making disturbing mutilated toys for the twins. Some say I went too far...
This severed doll's head helped personalise the twin's mini (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
Sarah and I also helped dress other areas of the dorm. The painting for the posh area was done by the scenic artist, but just before shooting there was a minor disaster and a huge chunk of plaster fell off the wall, so we had to retouch it ASAP! We also made the collaged newspaper wall for the Eco Warrior kids
A very "Lucy job" was backing books for the kids to have in the classrooms. Again, I was trying to make designs specific to each of the tribes.
Here's Miss Fritten catching up with her marking (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
Quite a few books sneaking into shot (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
I worked with Sarah to decorate the emo's electric chair science project
A brave volunteer tries out the chair (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
I tried my hand a bit of scenic painting, trying to make the 2D MDF match the real 3D balustrade in the foreground
It just about made it into shot! (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
With Sarah, I used chalk paints to customise the Eco Warriors van with Amanda's design
The finished van in the film (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
We also made a lot of customised luggage for the girls' arrival on the first day of term (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
Tiny details that we spent a lot of time on, but you hardly see in the film - we made a whole project on voo doo and black magic for these display cases (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
(copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
(copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
My "Boozers are loozers" poster for the St Trinian's branch of AA (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
Hand-drawn posters for the treatment room (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)
I also made loads of pirate-themed decals for the big party scene (copyright Ealing Studios/More Mayhem)