Desta Bunna ID, Illustration & Packaging - Identity & Coffee Label created for Artists for Charity. 100% Organic Fair trade coffee. Proceeds of sale will go to Artists for Charity orphanage for children living with AIDs...thus a bag/hill of beans is your charitable contribution to the cause. Coffee Will be available for purchase online soon with more flavors/varieties forthcoming. Inspired by retro Cuban Coffee packaging and tribal African Art with colors that express the vibrancy of the Ethiopian culture.
Desta Bunna ID, Illustration & Packaging - Identity & Coffee Label created for Artists for Charity. 100% Organic Fair trade coffee. Proceeds of sale will go to Artists for Charity orphanage for children living with AIDs...thus a bag/hill of beans is your charitable contribution to the cause. Coffee Will be available for purchase online soon with more flavors/varieties forthcoming. Inspired by retro Cuban Coffee packaging and tribal African Art with colors that express the vibrancy of the Ethiopian culture.