Eselcolmo Syndrome - A jewelry set made as a protest about the dangerous situation Mexico is living right now with the drug dealer and kidnappers.

Women part of the set - Necklace, bracelet, and head pin

Collar stays, Money clip, Cufflinks

Don´t get too comfy puff! - We´re not aware of our surrounding anymore, and this puff pretends to remind you that!! So be aware when you sit on it!
Inspired on the work of Filthy Lucker

Don´t get too comfy! puff - You can probably scare a lot of people!

This is a censer based on the Persian legend of an evil dragon who got trapped inside a mountain. When he awakes he will destroy 1/3 of humanity. So in the mean while, when he´s sleeping and we can smell the moke coming out from him we can be at peace

Azi Dahak Censer - Legend easily explained

Elite for Elica - Luxury kitchen hood design, Inspired on the future but thought for the present. This kitchen hood design saves a lot of time in the process and it look great on almos any kitchen.

Elite for Elica - Ambient light for a decorative feeling

Elite for Elica - Prototype 1:5
Different lighting for different moods

B-Leaf - Leaf inspired sport bottle. The main idea is to stop using paper cones when you excersise and start using a gym bottle made out of biodegradable plastic.

Different colors and also an aluminum series.

Bed side lamp for kids that sticks to any flat surface. It can be closed and used as an environmental lamp or be open to work as a direct lamp

S-phere - The opened and closed version of the lamp. Made out of acrylic in different colors.

Trapecista - The re-design of a traditional mexican toy.
The main idea is to create a more aesthetic look in the toy without more labor or fancier machines. This toy uses the same amount of time as the original one but it transforms the toy from something disposable to something decorative or collectible

Description of the process

Choco-X - Breakfast for the champions. Inspired on the athlete´s diets, this chocolate egg is supposed to be a fun way to start the day for kids.

Choco-X - Package that resemble the actual egg packaging in order to give the same feeling.

Mona - Ceramic project thought to save some of the traditional mexican cutlery in a new innovate way.

Mona - Suga spoon resembles traditional chocolate mixer.
Ceramic cup has the inside of a traditional clay jar
Plate has a traditional clay chip to resemble the inside of a mexican background.

Night stand that can be transformed with different covers to match many different tastes and likes.
It changes with you