
Long time, no post ! I hope everyone has been well this 2024. It's been a while since I've made absolutely anything. Last year going into this year has been very rough for me; it was hard to create and get motivation to do anything creative. Some months ago, that all changed.
After finding some peace of mind (and getting my computer repaired), I got my drive again. I've gotten craftier and created other things while taking time to get things together, and today I was reminded of a long time project that I've been wanting to do for a while now.
I've seen these angel number and affirmation posters everywhere online and on the bedroom walls of popular vloggers on YouTube. At first, it didn't interest me, but being a spiritual person who believes in angel numbers, I started getting more intrigued. However, the posters I've seen kinda bored me, so I decided to try and make my own with my personal aesthetics. I think they turned out well !

Dante A
Graphic Designer | Accessories Crafter | Painter | + More... New York, NY