Indigo Skye Logo Design - Logo Design for Photography Studio in Greer SC

Love of Fitness Logo Design - Logo Design for personal training company in Greenville SC

Priceless Construction Inc Logo Design - High end builder in Greenville SC Logo Design

Airy Springs Community Logo Design - Logo Design for Airy Springs Community

Ground Works Landscaping Logo Design - Greenville sc landscaper logo design

Logo Design & Identity Creation - Wood Floor Installer in Greenville SC

Light Zipper Product - Logo for start up product Light Zipper

Halson Wine Provisioners - Wine Distributor in Charlotte NC

Cool Wicking PJs Logo Design - This logo design project had me getting in touch with my feminine side! After discussing the goals of the company with owner Laura Wheelock, we decided the Cool Wicking PJ’s logo design needed to appeal to women suffering from night sweats, a common occurrence during menopause. Our goal was to communicate comfort, woman, sleep (sleeping until morning), coolness, and pajamas.