McDonald's Batman Glassware - Mobius Award winning set of 4 glass mugs was featured in Promo Magazine and shown on it's front cover. My first sketch of Batman mug was selected after my company reviewed over 300 sketches done by my coworkers, Joe Stepaniuk also designed concepts for this series. I Directed work on this set from start to finish. I Contracted illustrator Mark Stutzman for final sketches, and Rudy Vapp Studios for the clay sculpting. The Duran Glass company in France was selected for the manufacturing. It was one of the most successful promotions in McD's history, selling over 23 million Extra Value Meals and selling out in just 3 weeks!
Dalmations Happy Meal Toys - Collector Box Design
McDonald's 102 Dalmations Happy Meal Set - These collector box concepts were for a set of 102 Happy Meal toys.
McDonald's 21 oz. Cup 2002 olympics - Cup concept for the 2002 Olympic Promotion. Art done in Illustrator.
McDonald's Plush Doll Concepts - Client: The Marketing Store Worldwide in Oakbrook, Il.
TMSW Self Promotional Ad - Ad designed to solicit more work from The Marketing Store Worldwide in Oakbrook, Illinois. Features several concepts done for Art Director George Linemark.
Batman Packaging - Client: Simon Marketing. I and a coworker Joe Stepaniuk designed this packaging for the Batman 2 McDonald's promotional campaign.
Mickey Mouse Happy Meal Toy - This McD toy was a concept I created as part of a train of famous Disney characters atop video boxes that feature character from that film. When wheeled along his arms moved up and down to simulate a conductor of an orchestra.
Barbie McD Crew Member Happy Meal Toy - In addition to creating this toy, I also did the digital art for the sticker sheet that went with it. Sticker sheet included the cake sticker, register keyboard sticker, and Barbie logo sticker on the front of the podium.
McDonald's Super Hero Burger Package - This box when folded resembled a hamburger using photographic images of real burger. It was a concept for a new sandwich that tied in with the Batman Movie promotion.
McDonald's Furby Cookie Package - Furby cookie bag designs created for kid meal snack. In addition to designing the bag graphics, I also worked directly with the Keebler cookie company in designing the two actual cookie shapes. One was the logo and the other was the character of a Furby.
McDonald's kids cup for Babe movie promotion - After sketching 4 cup designs this illustration was done for cup #1 in the series by artist Mark Stutzman whom I contracted many times for McDonald's.
McDonald's Ty International Bears Packaging - Using a combination of stock photography and illustrator art I created this set of 4 blister card packages for the Ty/McD promotion of International Bears. I created the art icons as well as the wallpaper graphic patterns on the back of each package
McDonald's Super Bowl fry box concept - This fry box design was created to tie in with a Super Bowl game promotion created by Simon Marketing for McDonald's. My co worker Joe Stepaiuk assisted in illustrating this comp with some nice airbrush art.
McDonald's Batman Collectable Glass Mug - This sculpt was done by Rudy Vap studios. My original sketch was refined by illustrator Mark Stutzman. The final sculpted glassware was then manufactured by the Duran glass company located in France. They did an incredible job! They sold out in 3 weeks!
Ronald Rocker - This was a Happy Meal toy concept given to me as a freelance project by Doug Dixon for The Marketing Store Worldwide Co. in Oakbrook, Il.
Incredible Hulk Toy - This spring loaded toy had a tab on the back allowing upper torso to be pushed down, then released, causing figure to jump up.
Fisher Price Clock - This was one of many Fisher Price toy concepts done for the very first batch of "under 3" toys that were done to kick off the new contract between McDonalds & Fisher Price. It has become one of the most successful promotions in McD's history.
Monopoly Packaging - As part of this design team I created the final "Pick Your Prize" logo used on the packaging and all promotional material. In addition, I selected the models to be used, and art directed the photo shoot of the selected models.
Birdie Fisher Price Car - When we started designing under 3 Fisher Price toys I created Birdie and a Ronald cars with pop balls in the windshield compartment.
Fisher Price Under 3 Toys - This poster features the first Batch of Under 3 toddler toys our team created for McDonalds. I did B/W sketches and color sketches of almost all the toys you see here. This program still continues to this day....
Packaging Concept for Salt Lake City 2002 Olympics fry box. One of several designs.
Monopoly Game Packaging - Created layouts for digital artists to follow.
Hot Wheels Helicopter - Created the sticker art, ( flames ), in illustrator for the Hot Wheels Helicopter. I also created the sticker art for Indy style cars in this set.
Promo Magazine Special Report/ Batman Glassware - This was one of the proudest moments in my career. Not only did this glassware promotion that I concepted win a Mobius Award, it was featured in a Promo Magazine special report highlighting the unprecedented success of the Glassware Promotion and how it was one of the most successful in the entire history of the McDonald's Corporation.
This T Shirt I designed was illustrated by famed artist Mark Ryden. He took my concept sketch and did a beautiful job illustrating this "Roc Donalds" look to promote the Flintstones movie tie-in promotion we were doing. I especially liked his treatment of the sky...
This was a set of glass mugs I helped design and produce for McDonalds. In particular was the "Treemendous Mug" which I designed and also named. In addition I created Flintstone/McDonald's packaging and worked on Happy Meal Toy concepts.
For the "Dream Team II " promotion I designed the packaging elements, cups, fry boxes, bags & tray liners. I selected Famed artist Chris Consani who my supervisor had used before, to illustrate the players for the fry boxes, which looked so realistic they were mistaken for photos!... I also designed a jagged McD logo to match my box background look. This was carried out on all the elements. Local illustrator John Walker illustrated the plastic collector cups.
I directed and designed Tarzan packaging for theTalking Straw Premiums. I also designed several packaging elements such as cups, tray liners, McFlurry Cup, Sweet Sauce Packet, and Fry Boxes. In addition, I created several Happy Meal Toy concepts.
Happy Meal Toys I designed for McDonalds.
McDonalds Art
Frank Loconsole
owner / Loconsole Design Sun City, AZ