The mechanism developed for the Condiment Press was inspired by slap bracelets and its versatile metal ribbon mechanism. As the person presses the handle, the plunger is pushed down and the metal ribbon straightens. Once the plunger is back on its initial place on the top, the ribbon is rolled inside of the housing.
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Concept packaging for the condiments
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High Density Model Base and piercing end
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High Density Model Plunger Mechanism
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Condiment Press

The Condiment press is a one handed device that can be used with many different products, such as BBQ sauce, mayo, ketchup, creamers, olive oil, honey, and syrups. The versatility of the Condiment Press allows the consumer to reuse the device while only changing the condiment bag. This greatly reduces the amount of CO2 normally created during the production of these types of products, and extends the life-cycle throughout reusability of the device.

Project developed during DAI 340- Design and Materials by Mariana Lobo and Eric Rosen.