Paintings & Charcoals Paintings & Charcoals from Luis Javier Rodriguez Paintings & Charcoals Momentary greetings from a closeaway land - Vector painting exhibited at the 100 years of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon show at Klammath Falls, Oregon El Carino Caliente - Vector painting made for the 100 years of Les Demoiselles d'Avignon show Mapas y realidades - Digital painting for an upcoming exhibit El corazon de una dama - Digital painting for an upcoming show peace and love, peace? - a social commentary made for an online exhibit about the drug related violence at San Luis Potosi, Mexico peace and love, love? - a social commentary made for an online exhibit about the drug related violence at San Luis Potosi, Mexico Them and Us success? - Orgazm con Trains L'Ouvrier Sexuel gLike Paintings & Charcoals Design Management Share R 7 n Luis Javier Rodriguez Independent Media Production Professional San Luis Potosí, Mexico Follow Contact