Tap in. Switch on. direct mail poster - This 3ft x 2ft poster was developed as a simple selling tool for advisors to sell the idea of environmentally-friendly mutual funds to their clients. It was a direct mail piece that had a distribution of 30,000.
Tap in. Switch on. roadshow invite - This invite was developed for the "Tap In. Switch On." roadshow to promote the idea of environmentally-friendly mutual funds to advisors.
Tap in. Switch on. print advertising - An ad which was featured in Investment Executive and Advisor's Edge to promote both the Water fund and Clean Energy fund in an integrated campaign called "Tap in. Switch on.".
Tap in. Switch on. ad banner - This electronic ad banner promoted a roadshow event for "Tap In. Switch On." and was featured in an Advisor's Edge email.
Tap in Switch on Campaign
Liz Oke
Marketing Communications Professional Toronto, ON