Log In - Screens from a group project where we had to design a service website. Our service is The Project, an community for urban explorers (people that explore historic/abandoned buildings), with a focus on informing users on how to be a safe, respectful member of the UE community.
Register - The site is members-only, and upon signing up you must enroll in a mandatory online Skype class to give you the basics about The Project, the rules of the community and urban exploration, and some initial tips about safety and respect when you are visiting a location.
Skype Course - Screen of the Skype page.
Homepage - Once you've registered and gone through the class, you are allowed full access to The Project. Includes news, galleries, forum, and spotlight.
Map Search - Screen of a location search. Known locations in the requested area will appear alongside the map.
Location Profile - Profile of a location includes history and background about the place, and information on if the location has been demolished, if there are security officers, any dangerous things like asbestos, and so on. User ratings and photographs are also accessible on the profile.
Member Profile - Each member also gets their own profile page, with links to their personal blog, other members they 'follow', and their personal gallery.
The Project Website