Mustache sunglasses - SOFTWARE: Photoshop (imagry), Indesign (Layout)
Personal Branding
SOFTWARE: Photoshop (image manipulation), Indesign (Text Layout) Sick Love is my concept for a horror movie. This was our final project as graduating seniors. Five of us worked as a team, researched the horror movie industry, developed concepts, and designed a identity for our company. We came up with Moriendi Productions (Moriendi= death [latin]) This is a DVD cover, movie poster and the Moriendi Logo.
cool - Consept: New life
Trinity Training - Software: Photoshop (illustration), Indesign (text layout), Illustrator (Logos) Freelance: opportunity to create a image for a clients personal training business. He gave me an Idea, and I took his concept a small amount past what he had originally intended (logo on right), and way past anything he could have imagined (logo on left). He was satisfied with my take on his new logo. I used arrows and diagonal letter forms to create motion, which better suits his image as a personal trainer. The colors are also very alive which allows the viewer to feel active before he or she even processes the information being advertised.