From 100 Futons, 1 Grain of Rice - a retelling of the Princess & the Pea set in Japan. Written and Illustrated by little jo
From 100 Futons, 1 Grain of Rice - a retelling of the Princess & the Pea set in Japan. Written and Illustrated by little jo
From 100 Futons, 1 Grain of Rice - a retelling of the Princess & the Pea set in Japan. Written and Illustrated by little jo
Cover from Liz & Pip - an illuminated tale of Sharing vs, Greed. Written and Illustrated by little jo
From Liz & Pip - an illuminated tale of Sharing vs, Greed. Written and Illustrated by little jo
From Liz & Pip - an illuminated tale of Sharing vs, Greed. Written and Illustrated by little jo
From A Nutcracker Mouse. Written and Illustrated by little jo
Cover from Way to Go, Kid! a tale of perseverence. Written and Illustrated by little jo
From Way to Go, Kid, a tale of perseverance. Written and illustrated by little jo
What I did on my summer vacation
Journey to India
Zal and the Simurgh - Illustration for the Story of Zal from the Shanameh - The Persian Book of Kings written by Ferdowsi
Sam's Dream - Illustration for the Story of Zal from the Shanameh - The Persian Book of Kings written by Ferdowsi
Zal sees Rudabeh- Illustration for the Story of Zal from the Shanameh - The Persian Book of Kings written by Ferdowsi
Children's Book Illustrations

Illustrations for various children's picture books.

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Little Jo
writer/illustrator/designer toronto, ON