Waiting room chair

This is a special chair set in the waiting-room, designed for those parents who see a doctor with their children.
1. It has concise exterior and convenient to parents to look after their children. Set for three people, child can sit in the middle of chairs.
2. It is lower than both sides, suitable for two to six years old children to sit. Contractive band will help to fix the child stay in the chair. As we know, child is really hard to keep them quiet and stay in the chair. As we know, child is really hard to keep them quiet and stay in the same place.
3. In the back of the child chair, we set the two hooks for parents to lay up the personal effects, like the bag and the umbrella.
4. The hooks connect with the lights in the front of chair. If you put something in the hook, the light will light and it is a good design to remind you of personal effects when you leave.

Yanchun Lin
Industrial Design; Copywriting and Editing; Content Strategy 广州, China