Stitch Sculpted for the promotional Windows of the Emporium at Disneyland at the time of the first release of "Lilo & Stich" animated film. Approx. 2 feet tall. Created at Sciacca Studio. This sculpt was created first in clay and cast as a fiberglass sculpt to be painted and styled in one of several windows.
WWE Jeff & Matt Hardy Wax Models - Sculpted in Wax for FrontLine Studios, edgy renditions of the famous wrestling brothers in the WWE. Ultimately for Jakks Pacific, but not produced as licensing ended with WWE
WWE Classic Batista Wax Model - Wax sculpted figurine (two views) prepare to be sent to mold makers. Developed for FrontLine Studios. This was created for Jakks Pacific
Starwars Premium Viewer - Model for premium toy given out at Jack in the Box at time of the new Starwars film
Luke Skywalker - Luke's Head was assigned to me while at Applause Toys as a "reuse" of a previously released pilot toy. So the body was being "recycled" utilizing the existing tooling. This is a common method of manufacturers to recoup their tooling costs.
Yoda StarWars Bas Relief Coin Sculpt - Sculpted with for a toy collectible coin. Approximately 5" diameter. 3/8" maximun thickness, 1/4" minimun
R2D2 in Wax as Bas Relief for Toy Coins This was created for Mattel 7" Circle to be panographed down during final production
Family Guy Bendies - Sculpted for NJCroce Inc. - 3" to 5" Figurines originally sculpted in wax. Here are the final manufactured results. Bendie Toys are PVC-injected with wire frame.
The Three Stooges, my design and painting of the famous comedy team for Alpi Intl., LLC located in Oakland, CA. Shown here are the front and back sculptures in resin after being sculpted in Wax. I painted the Paint Masters for production replication for the manufactured product.
Pokemon Gengar & Jigglypuff - 4" & 3.5" Wax Sculpts created for Sony Licensed to Alpi International Manufactured rotocast in PU.
Baby Gemlin in Vitro 4" Wax - work in process - Wax model of a baby gremlin - client never paid for this fellow and we consider him now as abducted! If you see him, let me know! No one will put him on a milk carton, but he's out there somewhere. Something about getting the image wet..overly cautious type I think.
Baby Gemlin - Back View - Wax model of a baby gremlin - client never paid for this fellow and he is now abducted! If you see him, let me know! No one will put him on a milk carton either! Something about getting the image wet..overly cautious type I think.
Rex Sculpt & Rotocast Sample and finished manufactured head used as a drinking bottle cap for Kids Drinks.
Superman Drinking Cup Concept Sculpted concept in Sculpey/Premo mix 6.5" tall x 7" Wide x 5" thick Size adjusted for normal ceramic shrinkage during manufacture
Superman Back of Drinking Cup Concept Sculpted concept in Sculpey/Premo mix 6.5" tall x 7" Wide x 5" thick Size adjusted for normal ceramic shrinkage during manufacture
Venom Drinking Cup Concept Sculpted concept in Sculpey/Premo mix 6.5" tall x 7" Wide x 5" thick Size adjusted for normal ceramic shrinkage during manufacture
A tribute to Bob Hope. A likeness created as a concept for potential tribute for the Bob Hope family.
Terminator Portrait created with Magic Sculpt
Romney Caricature for Political Satire - created in Wax
Sarah Palin Bendie Sculpt - Created for NJ Croce, this is the wax model ready to be shipped out to make the tooling master.
Sarah Palin -Finished in Package - Featured in Feb 2011 Action
Al Capone ScarFace - Wax sculpture of Al Capone for limited edition of figurines of Public Enemies. Approximately 10" Tall
Michigan J. Frog Teapot - Responsibile for concept design and complete sculpting. Carved notes act as handle and stopper. Wax Sculpt shown assembled and disassembled prior to mold-making. This was a fully functioning teapot. Limited edition Collector's Teapots for the chain of Warner Brothers' retail outlets.
Granny & Tweetie Chasing Slyvester Teapot - Working teapot depicted here was to have had a pewter handle affixed to a ceramic body. This teapot concept was the last in a series for Warner Bros. Stores, but was never produced as new managers came aboard at the closing of the retail outlets
Mr. & Mrs. TAZ Teapot - Concept drawing and sculpture of Teapot prior to ceramic manufacture. Bouquet is the spout, hearts the stopper, and TAZ's arm of course is the handle. Limited Edition for Warner Bros. stores.
Pepe Le Pew & Penelope Teapot
Marvin Martian & Spaceship Teapot - Concept, sculpture in Wax of working teapot. Breakdown shown prior to ceramic manufacture. SpaceDog is the stopper, working spout is the Ray gun and the flames create a form of handle. Limited Editions for Warner Bros. retail outlets at that time.
Puss in Boots Teapot - Art direction with concept Sculpted figurine
Froggy went a courtin' Teapot - Shown here in bisque ready for painting. Original concept and sculpting for minature working ceramic Teapot
Noah's Ark filled with animals - model prior to mold making. Made in Carving Wax in multiple pieces, approximately 3 1/2" tall. Retailed at $150 limited production
Betty Boop Clay Sculpts - Five Betty Boop Bath Product ready for for ceramic mold making. Tissue Box in Center 12" Tall Rest range from 7 to 5.5" Tall Manufacturer: NJ Croce
Betty Boop Key Chain Wax Sculpts
Betty Boop Pendulum Clock Provided Design and Sculpt for tooling She is approximately 18" tall
Batman clock predesigned for NJCroce. I resculpted the wings and legs and provided final color specs for manufacture. Here is the final project shot.
Pink Panther Clock keeps time for you! Created art concept and sculpted the head portion for the tooling master for manufacturing for the great company of NJCroces Inc.
Everyone should have an original Felix the Cat Clock! Applied the licensed design to clock requirements and then sculpted the tooling master for manufacturer, again for NJCroce Inc. Get yours today!!!!
Sleeping Child in Wax Sculpted Stage - Custom design, final painted pieces are to be customized by individual names. Shown assembled in wax stage, prior to master mold preparation. Each piece will require its own mold. Third stage, when the poured green ware pieces are slipped together, they will be bisqued, painted and fired again.
Wax Model for Porcelain Giftware. - Concept Illustration for client Wax Model - assembled for photo Breakdown of pieces shown to accommodate manufacture into porcelain.
Infant's First Blessing - Given a name, depicts a baby's blessing in wax, figuring 3" wide.
The famous Chaos Wall Plaque from "Get Smart," the organization named "Chaos" hung this on their conference wall. They were the evil nemesis. 10" tall plague created with Chavant Clay and Wood framing
Another product for Alpi International. A stressed out person. This was sculpted in wax, approximately 3.5" round and final production material was PU, a soft, squeezable material meant to be used a stress reliever and promotional product.

Tinkerbelle Friends Project Doll Head sculpts - shown here as completed Toys

Material: Wax Heads created to match hand drawings instead of Maya files.

Freelance, Full-time
Linda Snyder