Title page - This is the title page for a story in a book of classic literature
Title Page - Book - Ttile Page for Story in Book on Literature
Title page - Title page of story in a book of classic literature
Title page - Title page for a story in a book of classic literature. Illustration was licensed, typography and treatment done by me
Title page literature - This was a title page for a featured piece of literature in a textbook
Series of Title pages, chapter start - This was a series of chapter starting cover pages for a textbook on 8th Grade Literature.
Title page illustration - This was a title page for a classic piece of literature. The painting was licensed. The background illustrates a soup line in the depression which was a theme of the story.
Title page illustration
Title Page - book - Title page for text book on literature Painting image is licenced by publisher, I produced layout and treatment
Page from Book on literature - Illustration started for text book on literature
Ttile pages and spreads - Textbook on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Ttile pages and spreads - Textbook on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Ttile pages and spreads - Textbook on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Ttile pages and spreads - Textbook on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Spec - Day Spa brochure
Ttile pages and spreads - Textbook on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Title Pages and spreads - Text book on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Title Pages and spreads - Text book on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Title Pages and spreads - Text book on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Employee Magazine - I did a total redesign of an employee magazine for Atlantic Mutual Insurance. I also produced all components and gathered articles and stories, retouched or illustrated all images. This is an internal spread.
Title Pages and spreads - Text book on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Title Pages and spreads - Text book on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
Ttile pages and spreads - Textbook on Literature for Pearson Educational Publishers
ETS Promo Brochure - A promotional brochure of the expertise of all channels marketing in Educational Testing Service Corporation
Book cover

Book covers educational
Cover pages or intros for classic literature textbook
Employee magazine, newsletter

Linda Latino
Designer, Illustrator, Retoucher, Packaging, POP, Art director, Presentation, Key Art,... Scotch Plains, NJ