Ritual series: Extract - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Ritual series: Peel - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Ritual series: Catch - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat. This piece is spring-loaded so that the candies jump out like a can of worms when opened.
Ritual series: Pop - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat. This piece is stuck to the table with a suction cup, and its green body is rubber so it "dances" and bops around on the table when disturbed
Ritual series: Pluck - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Ritual series: Infuse - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat. The top of this piece is for collecting hot water. The water is then poured into the lower bowl which has a stainless outer shell and a white rubber interior with a piece of hard candy molded into it. The candy slowly infuses the water with its flavor as it is consumed.
Ritual series: Inhale - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Ritual series: Manipulate - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Ritual series: Press - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Ritual series: Reflect - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Ritual series: Shatter - "Ritual" is a series of tabletop containers for candy. Each title refers to the action the user performs to discover the treat.
Conceptual design
Pamela Zimmerman
3D for Food and Tea Philadelphia, PA