Extras for Carpark North " Leave my Place" - Extra coordination for the international music video for Carpark North. Directed by Uffe Truust.
Extra coordination for Xander Linnet - Extra coordination for Xanders Linnets new music video. Welcome to a decadent world - it was amazing. Directed by Uffe Truust
Extra coordination for Xander Linnet - Extra coordination for Xanders Linnets new music video. Welcome to a decadent world - it was amazing. Directed by Uffe Truust
Extra coordination for Xander Linnet - Extra coordination for Xanders Linnets new music video. Welcome to a decadent world - it was amazing. Directed by Uffe Truust
Extra coordination for Xander Linnet - Extra coordination for Xanders Linnets new music video. Welcome to a decadent world - it was amazing. Directed by Uffe Truust
Freelance line producer

Freelance line producer at 360 productions
As a line producer at 360 productions I manages project before and during the take. I am responsible for budget, cast and crew.

Line Langballe
Innovation, Interaction and Function Copenhagen, Denmark