Hand bound book; cover page
Spread 3-4 of 22 spreads
Title Page
Full Spread
Full Spread
An Incomplete Manifesto Book

The objective was to create a book using the 43 points from An Incomplete Manifesto for Growth by Bruce Mau.
For the design, I merged my photography and typography to create a book that would be appealing on any coffee table.
Each point was hand lettered with pointed pen and ink in a fluid, jotting-down-ideas, type of way. I wanted to carry the message of imperfection into my calligraphy as well as photography, with photos that match what the author is conveying.
I hope my design will cause viewers to stop, pick it up, and read it all the way through.
Here are a few spreads from the total 22 spreads created through InDesign.

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Amanda Estrada
Graphic Designer // Photographer Fullerton, CA