I was tasked with growing the brand on-line. We created two new sub-groups Camp Jeep and Jamboree as well. Lots of it - all to grow the brand and make a larger footprint with Jeep aficionados. The core crowd. I am a professional Flickr tagging fanatic.

Tagging, tagging, tagging. Lots of it - all to grow the brand and make a larger footprint with Jeep aficionados. The core crowd. My tagging helped grow the members and images in the group photo pool.

I helped seed the original Jeep Experience / Flickr site with photos taken on Jeep Engineering Torture Testing trips. This one was taken in Bemidji, MN while snow packing Jeep 4x4s to test for overheating (btw - Dave Yegge won the snow ball fight).

Many of my images taken on Jeep Engineer Torture Testing trips were used to seed the original Flickr / Jeep Experience site.

Cutwater Agency in San Francisco was launching a new "Have fun out there. Jeep" campaign. We launched a mosaic home page that linked all the social networking mediums together. Many of my images taken while joining Jeep Engineers on Torture Testing trips as a technical driver were used in the mosaic. Thanks to Adam Wilson for the genius behind the Jeep Experience mash-up.
