Talbots Catalogs, Web, Email, Signage Talbots Catalogs, Web, Email, Signage from Lee Cullen Talbots Catalogs, Web, Email, Signage Talbots and Talbots Outlet collateral, web and email designs. Talbots website updated brand moment images and optimization for the web. Talbots Facebook page ties into the brand moment for a unified multi-channel look. Talbots website updating brand moment images and optimization. Talbots web banner Talbots web banner. Talbots web banner. Talbots email Talbots email Talbots email Talbots email Talbots Outlet email design and image optimization. Talbots email promoting a store event Talbots store window banners Talbots store signage Talbots ad campaign Talbots ad campaign Talbots Facebook page images announce the new Look Book. Talbots September 2011 catalog cover featuring Julianne Moore Talbots catalog spread, laid out image boxes, brought in images, set copy and chip colors, and made all copy changes. Talbots catalog spread, laid out image boxes, brought in images, set copy and chip colors, and made all copy changes. Talbots catalog spread, laid out image boxes, brought in images, set copy and chip colors, and made all copy changes. Talbots catalog spread, laid out image boxes, brought in images, set copy and chip colors, and made all copy changes. Talbots catalog spread, laid out image boxes, brought in images, set copy and chip colors, and made all copy changes. gLike Talbots Catalogs, Web, Email, Signage Talbots and Talbots Outlet collateral, web and email designs. Graphic Design Share R 7 n Lee Cullen Graphic Designer Quincy, MA Follow Contact