Big Shot Hair Dryer - Solidworks rendering of the big shot hair dryer for Remington
blow torch
Flytech - This was my final year project at Loughborough. It uses a fluid filled flywheel to harness usually wasted braking energy. We won an Audi Foundation award to develop the concept, which was later shown at the UK motor show and the Design Museum in London, as well as being featured in the New Scientist magazine and the Big Breakfast TV show. Fame at last...
Lawn spreader - This product was a comprehensive development on a lawn feed spreader in an effort to reduce cost and improve functionality.
Portable gas powered glue gun - This glue gun was developed in Solidworks from a Photoshop visual and supplied internal components. I worked very closely with the client to ensure the move to production was a smooth as possible.
Digital surround sound mixing desk - This was the first prototype of a digital surround sound mixing desk that I developed at Scarab Technology in Wales. The 3D modelling was done in AutoCAD!
Lee Bazalgette
Director at Colombo Design Studio Colombo, Sri Lanka