Animal House, Year 3 - This quarter dealt with the research of what constitutes a kiosk and the dissection of it. The project was to design a kiosk of our choice. Many sketches were drawn to explore the endless possibilities. Animal House works in conjunction with a city's animal control program. It exists to give homeless animals maximum exposure for adoption. Vans would supply the kiosk with replenishments and also transport the animals. It is a modular design with a kit of parts for easy assembly.

The Body Shop Office, Year 2 - This project was a regional office for The Body Shop. Natural forms influenced the plan and the volumes of the spaces. Voids of a stem cell cross-section inspired the layout of the laboratory. The Body Shop embraces people around the world by supporting community trade and defending human rights. The community center reflects this by its rib cage form. When people of the community enter the space, they become the "heart" of the space and the company.
All materials were sustainable or vernacular.

fiftysixty, Year 3 - fiftysixty is a jewelry store that sells authentic mid-century jewelry and modernized "vintage" jewelry of today. The innovative and experimental jewelry feels nostalgic, but most patrons are too young for real nostalgia. Some could consider them to be "contemporary heirlooms". The experience of fiftysixty is of a gallery displaying wearable art. Like the jewelry, the design is new and original, but materials and forms are familiar to the 1950's with clean modern lines and heavy graphics.