Eames Book - Using the text from Brigitte Fitoussi's Book, Eames: Furniture 1941-1978, design and bind an 11" x 17" book that touches on the essence their work. The design of this book was approached in a three dimensional fashion due to the nature of their work. The spirit of the Eames' work; their playfulness, their consideration for free forms and spatial arrangements as well as their sensual aesthetic values, all played an important role in the construction of this book.
Poster Series for the Canadian Centre for Architecture - Design a comprehensive system for the Canadian Centre for Architecture promoting three exhibits for the architects; Frank Gehry, Richard Neutra and Louis Sullivan, utilizing each architect's distinct style and art movement.
Philip Glass Poster - Design a black and white concert poster for Philip Glass using found typography and a xerox machine. (Published in Novum Magazine 2/04)
Combined Letterform Project - 1. Original Combined Letterform A study on the symbiotic relationship between form and counterform. [Typography II] 2. Design a Three Dimensional Letterform A small-scale model for a 3D Letterform. Using the original two dimensional combined letterform, I was interested in its potential as a three dimensional interactive piece. 3. Finished 3D letterform placed in the environment. [Environmental Graphic Design]
Environmental Icons for Smart Design
Josh Owen: Big Ideas / Small Packages - Woodsphere Publishing