Energy for Life My poster is based on the important topic of renewable energy. I created an info graphic based on a pie chart of all the energy the world uses. The image is based on a tree, one of the most vital living creations needed for survival on our planet. In the leaves of the tree are circles with different shades of green, each shade representing the energy we use - including petroleum, coal, natural gas, nuclear electrical power and the smallest percentage, renewable energy.
AIGA Emerging Professionals Workshop AIGA - The Professional Association for Design, came to Central Connecticut State University to conduct a portfolio review. The concept for this poster demonstrates the letters AIGA emerging out of the water and reflecting over itself. The typeface is hand made as well.
Enter Your DesSay Something Poster This poster is intended for children ages 5 through 17 in order to give them encouragement to take chances and live their lives in a positive manner. I used the quote, Buy the Ticket, Take the Ride in order to show kids that in order to get where they want to be in life they must first take the steps to get their. I also created a roller coaster in the shape of the word life to indicate life has many ups and downs but you won't get where you want to be unless you take the ride of life.cription Here
London Olympics This is an info-graphic created for class of the 2012 London Olympic schedule. The calendar is based on a circle or stadium shape and the colors represent diversity of all the different cultures in which participate in the Olympics.
Helix Submissions This is a fun poster created to get students attention to submit artwork or literature to Central Connecticut State University's Magazine, The Helix.
This was a poster for class based on a MOMA art exhibition with 3 artists of our choice. I chose three printmaking artists. The background was intended to look like lithography cuts while the foreground person was intended to be created from a scratch plate.
Save the Date This was a save the date I created for my cousin's wedding. Her goals that she wanted to portray were simplicity and sea glass colors.
2010 Year of the Park This is a poster created for class for the National Park Service. Since the logo represents a Native American culture I created a bird representing earth, wind, water and fire. These elements are ones the Native Americans held dear and felt they connected their spirituality through them, which is why I also created the tagline - The elements of spirit.
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Partnerships for Success This logo was created for a company in Bridgeport intended to keep high school children away from alcohol and drugs. The logo I created represents a victory ribbon with the letters P and S creating the loop and ribbon.
Arts and Sciences Advising Place This is a logo created for Central Connecticut State University's Arts and Sciences Advising Place. The continuation of the arrows is intended to represent that one is in a constant movement of his or her life and must continue to grow and change in the cycle of life.
This is my own personal logo. I used type to connect my initials, L and B. The simplicity and flow of movement connects to myself because I am an easy going, simple lady.
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Helix Logo This is a logo created for Central Connecticut State University's The Helix, a literary and art magazine on campus.
Open Season This is a logo created for a fake clothing company Open Season. The waves mirror and shape the O in order to connect and the mermaid tail indicates their is something mystical about the product.
This is a logo created for the Student Government Association on CCSU campus. It represents a modern, clean look while also being professional.
Open Season Booklet This is the cover and back cover for a booklet created for the mock company Open Season. The type for Open Season was hand created and the pictures were done by Pulp Girls clothing company, see link below.
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3D Render of Open Season This is a 3D render in the program Maya of a business card and envelope.
This is a logo design for a mock coffee company, Coffee Break. The theme I chose was Native American style.
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ackaging This is a packaging design I created for a fake coffee company, Coffee Break. Choosing my own theme of Totem pole faces and Native Americans I created a different mask for every flavor. I also created the logo, making a typeface similar to the shapes used in the culture.
Helix Literary and Art Magazine Cove This is the front and back cover of the Spring 2012 Helix Magazine. I created the imagery with a tablet.
Helix Magazine Cover This was in the running for the Helix 2012 cover. I created the hot air balloon with watercolor and the rest in Illustrator.
Clashing Concepts This is an illustration created with the concept of continuity.
The Tree of Tender Troll Dreams. Water color and Acrylic on 17x24 canvas.
This Little Piggy Ate Money This is a 4x6 lithograph printmake.
Bukowski's Sherbert Woman This is watercolor and mixed media on 8.5 x 11 canvas.
Lauren Bruno Design Portfolio
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