ProGrow Package Design - Package Concept/comp for Grow-Light System - Corrugated Box Stock; Vegetable Dye Inks for Natural Look & Appeal.
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Package Design Concept for Magnetic Board - Product would be Skrink-wrapped with Transparent Heavy Sleeve as Minimal and Modern Packaging.
Packaging for New Product Launch - Terragrafics of Burnes of Boston required an upscale, "Umbra-like" look for new product launch. This concept shows a sleek, gift wrap look with contemporary band accent. Minimal and Modern. Also features new Logo Design.
Romantic Occassions - Package Design - Wedding Frames, "Romantic Occassions" Packaging for Burnes of Boston that works across all styles in Line.
Consumer Packaging - Acetate Pkg for Wineglass/jewelry combo, entitled, "Cocktail Cuties" - what the best-dressed drinks are wearing!
Consumer Packaging - Gift Box Pkg. for Compact & Keychain aimed at fashion-minded audience.
Terragrafics Package Concpt - Comps of New Package Design Concept and Logo - creating a more upscale modern boutique look.
Winestopper Package Design - Winestopper package in clear acetate and diecut to hold "wine charms" dangling over winestopper in base.
Easel Clp Product and Package Design - Easel Clip Picture Frame and Package design for sale in retail stores such as: Kohls, Macy's, Belks, etc. (finer department stores under the brand of Burnes of Boston.
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Umbrella in a Tin - Coordinated design of umbrella & unique aluminum tin with top of handle allowed to show. Aluminum tin has silkscreen design that coordinates with line of fashionable womans' product called "LuLu".
Package Design

Package Design for Grow Light and System based on conceptual product to be marketed
in home improvement stores. Material: Corrugated Stock, Silk Screened Printing, Hemp or Rope Handles.

Laurel Stacy