Restless Perfume - A final college exam project - Total Identity Branding, Packaging and Style Design of a Perfume. I am the tiny sting In the back of your crest That pricks and sets a ring And doesn't let you rest...
Skopje Jazz Fest 1 - A college project for a poster design of the Skopje Jazz Festival 2009.
Skopje Jazz Fest 2 - A college project for a poster design of the Skopje Jazz Festival 2009.
Skopje Jazz Fest 3 - A college project for a poster design of the Skopje Jazz Festival 2009.
Skopje Jazz Fest 4 - A college project for a poster design of the Skopje Jazz Festival 2009.
Skopje Jazz Fest 5 - A college project for a poster design of the Skopje Jazz Festival 2009.
Typography Family Studies - A study on the five typeface families and their specifics.
Typograhy Anatomy Studies - Four studies of the anatomical parts of the typeface letters.
Stand up, Delfina! - An idea-reanimation of the cinema poster for the old Macedonian movie "Stand up, Delfina"
The Leaning Tower of Pizza - Info-poster An advertising campaign for Pizza Hut International. Fictional campaign of marketing promotion of the Italian extensions. NB: This is not an actual campaign poster for Pizza Hut International. No legal or trademark rights bind this project. Idea and Execution License: Copyright © 2009 Nemanja Trajkovic - All Rights Reserved.
Starbucks - Inner Beauty... - Info-poster. An advertising campaign for Starbucks International Coffee Shop. NB: This is not an actual campaign poster for Starbucks International Coffee Shop. No legal or trademark rights bind this project. Idea and Execution License: Copyright © 2009 Nemanja Trajkovic - All Rights Reserved.
Promo Card 1 - A college exam project... A Promo Card of a designated designer, free ideas on identity promotion.
Promo Card 2 - A college exam project... A Promo Card of a designated designer, free ideas on identity promotion.
InterOil - Logo/Logotype - A college exam project... Create a Logo and Logotype by using only the two given elements.
Promo Material - Bag - A college exam project... Promo Material for the National Gallery "Mala Stanica" Skopje.
Promo Material - Box, CD Package - A college exam project... Promo Material for the National Gallery "Mala Stanica" Skopje.
Promo Material - Poster Tube - A college exam project... Promo Material for the National Gallery "Mala Stanica" Skopje.
College Projects
Nemanja Trajkovic
Graphic Designer and Marketing Developer Skopje, Macedonia