"Insight: a look at poetic information" - Rather than relying on traditional elements of graphing, the information is conveyed through typesetting. This particular poster compares two poems by T.S. Eliot to reveal various thematic patterns. As a result, the page layout resembles a map, rather than a leaf from a traditional book. In addition to Eliot, the works of two other poets are also analyzed. The visual results are contained within a trilogy of books/maps.
Detail of the 3 book series - Rather than relying on traditional elements of graphing, the information is conveyed through typesetting. This particular poster compares two poems by T.S. Eliot to reveal various thematic patterns. As a result, the page layout resembles a map, rather than a leaf from a traditional book. In addition to Eliot, the works of two other poets are also analyzed. The visual results are contained within a trilogy of books/maps.
"The Hollow Life & Death of J. Alfred Prufrock" - Rather than relying on traditional elements of graphing, the information is conveyed through typesetting. This particular poster compares two poems by T.S. Eliot to reveal various thematic patterns. As a result, the page layout resembles a map, rather than a leaf from a traditional book. In addition to Eliot, the works of two other poets are also analyzed. The visual results are contained within a trilogy of books/maps.
Detail of one of the printed posters within the series - Rather than relying on traditional elements of graphing, the information is conveyed through typesetting. This particular poster compares two poems by T.S. Eliot to reveal various thematic patterns. As a result, the page layout resembles a map, rather than a leaf from a traditional book. In addition to Eliot, the works of two other poets are also analyzed. The visual results are contained within a trilogy of books/maps.
Insight Series
Laura Sullivan
London, United Kingdom