It fits functionally in any kitchen because it acts as an extension of cutting and multi purpose surfaces.
camBIO needs to be charged with sugar, water and green waste. It has helpful divisions that show the user the right amount of each one of the materials.
After the container is charged it needs to be stored in the tower.
After 4 month the container can be pull out of the tower.
During that time an Eco-enzyme is produced. This liquid is very helpful because it acts as a natural fertilizer, space deodorant, anti-bacterial, cleanser and insecticide.
All of camBIO parts are made of natural or recyclable materials such as wood, aluminum and paper. Also the box that constitutes the package is designed to be used as the first raw material to put in the container.

Looking for a solution to the rapidly increasing amount of green waste, camBIO was designed as a simple tool to take advantage of this type of disposals.

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Laura Arias Pradilla
Industrial Engineering and Industrial Design student Orlando, FL