One of the daily activities that consume more water is the shower (17% of the household water consumption). In the United States the Portland Water Bureau (USA) stated that showers could have a flow between 2.5-1.5 gallons per minute (~9.5-5.7 L) . Keeping this in mind if you reduce your daily showers in at least two minutes per day you could save around 7000 liters per year! To help with this problem Fishi was created. Its and easy to use object that by the help of stainless color pills tints the water.
To use Fishi the following steps must be followed: 1. Install Fishi in your shower.
2. Put some color pills in the drawer. This pills are available in different colors that can be combined.
3. Pull the fish down just before the water starts to run.
Take the shower and try to finish before 5 minutes has passed.
5. If the shower took too long (more than 5 minutes) the water starts to come out colored.

Fishi was created responding to the problem of water scarcity as an emotional tool that lets you know when you had been in the shower for five minutes.

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Laura Arias Pradilla
Industrial Engineering and Industrial Design student Orlando, FL