There is a scarcity of health resources in Colombia specially in the ICU's and the investment of the government in this sector is very low.
The nosocomial infections are one of the factors that lengthens the patient stay in the hospital and aggravates the pain and the musculoskeletal disorders for the personal.
The nosocomial infections are much more common in Latin American countries. But still in the whole world they increase the patient's stay in around 8'000.000 bed days and the expense of the health sector in USD $4'000.000 per year.
The personal hygiene and skin care in the ICU was identified as critical for the appearance of nosocomial infections and because of that it was chosen as the process to be intervened. With this problem in mind a further investigation and context observation were conducted prior to produce the very first design concepts.
Dinamia Suministros is a trolley that contains all the necessary supplies for the bed bath of five patients and manages the water innocuously thanks to an innovative pad usability.
Dinamia Movimiento is the second object. It is installed in the patients bed and helps to change it's position between lateral and supine decubitus reducing the impact on the personals' muscoloskeletal system.
Four different methods were used to analyze different part of the process before and after the products were used. LCE is a check list that helps differentiate the aspects to be improved. JSI (job strain index) tells that an activity will cause MSD if the number is bigger than 5.
REBA identification positions and tells if they should be intervened or changed because of the physical risk.
LEST analyzes 10 different factors divided in sub factors and gives each one a qualification from 1 to 10 depending on the ergonomic risk being 10 the worst.
By applying these methods before and after the process was intervened it was noticeable how much Dinamia could reduce the ergonomic risk.
The recommended standard layout for a ICU room in Colombia was useful to elaborate an spaghetti diagram of the routes made by the nurses to complete the bed bath of the patients without Dinamia.
When using Dinamia is noticeable how the density and the crossing of the lines was reduced. Even though there were still unnecessary crossings because the areas that needed to be visited before (blue) and after (red) the bath were far from each other.
To improve this situation a graphic distribution method was applied to propose a better layout for the ICU. The wider lines between areas represent more frequent trips, so the objective was to reduce them.
As a result a new layout was built.
Applying a logistics savings method the best routes needed to complete the baths of the unit were found.
Comparing the three scenarios it is obvious that the reductions that Dinamia introduced in terms of time and distance are major.

After an iterative design process Dinamia was born as a system of two objects that improve the activities involved with the personal hygiene and skin care of ICU patients. The first of the objects, Dinamia Suministros is a trolley that contains all the necessary supplies for the bed bath of five patients and manages the water innocuously thanks to an innovative pad usability.
Dinamia Movimiento is the second object. It is installed in the patients bed and helps to change it's position between lateral and supine decubitus reducing the impact on the personals' muscoloskeletal system.

In collaboration with Manuel Rivera.

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Laura Arias Pradilla
Industrial Engineering and Industrial Design student Orlando, FL