MIMMO ROTELLA - VANITY FAIR EVENT with AAAHHHAAA - 2004 | Vanity Fair celebrates Mimmo Rotella in a mundane evening event brightly colored with a six meter wide polycarbonate chandelier which changes hues and suspends a set of paintings on its octagonal concentric structure. A fresh lime carpet immerses the guests in a surreal atmosphere. Two violet banks define Triennale’s Salone D’Onore exposing other Mimmo Rotella art pieces. The ten meter high construction takes three days for the assembly. It blossoms in an ephemeral experience which vanishes in only one evening
CALEIDOSCOPIO MISSONI monographic exhibition with AAAHHHAAA - The 24 room exhibition within Palazzo Attems Petzenstein in Gorizia, guides visitors through the Missoni artistic adventure focusing on textile experimentation and on clothing typology innovation. It has been thought as a multisensorial path in which visitors can see, touch and hear images, designs, textiles and objects to feel and live Missoni's syle and color phylosophy. On the bottom floor (plan on top right) each room tells a different color and pattern "story" playing with caleidoscopic artifices which make the visitor loose the perception of space, depth or symmetry. Each room was designed using uphoilstery and textile applications and intervening with colorful Missoni Home objects and designs through floor graphics ARPA digital, serigraphic, color and mirror laminates and "human" presence through Bonaveri multicolor and chrome mannequins wearing special Missoni oufits. The technical and design aspects of the project are not the only elements we have followed which helped to make this exhibition possible. Amongst the various complications were the sponsors which, by the end, gave a positive finish to the whole progect. Corian DuPont provided for a beautiful 3 meter wide colorful flower, inspiration from one of Missoni's patterns. Modo offered a set of urban furniture such as caleidoscopes and mirrors which were placed within the rooms. ARPA laminates made the majority of the spaces possible and Trend (Bisazza) gave a mosaic touch to some of the set up situations
HOTEL RECEPTION - Industrial Context Hotel with LED fire above reception desk
Laura Micalizzi
Director at Laura Micalizzi Interiors and Design London, United Kingdom