Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Image and Typography Posters - 40" X 54"
Experimental Typography Posters
Debutantes - Character Study Illustrative Collages
Debutantes - Character Study Illustrative Collages
Debutantes - Character Study Illustrative Collages
Debutantes - Character Study Illustrative Collages
Debutantes - Character Study Illustrative Collages
Debutantes - Character Study Illustrative Collages
Typography and Digital Composition
Freelance, Moonlighting
Laura Dapito
Consulting Design Director and Freelance Designer Englewood, NJ