Presentation to the executive suite at a global Fortune 500 pharmaceutical manufacturing company. The sales team wanted to focus on high level benefits and differentiators that our company brought to our client. They were very pleased with this document and said it helped facilitate a deep conversation with the client which led to discussions to set up a master services agreement. Produced in PowerPoint in a new corporate brand. Performed art direction, graphics production, helped with sales messaging and visual realization.
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I was asked to make a presentation in a client's template (with which I was unfamiliar) using materials from three partnering companies (in PDF and Word) and add a video that could be accessed by clicking a link. PowerPoint doesn't embed videos so after I determined there would be WiFi access I set up a quick YouTube channel and uploaded the video there. This presentation is the result and it was completed in less than 2 hours.
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Presentations (PowerPoint)
Laura Buss
Graphic Designer Beaverton, OR