Website: Neighborhood Family Counseling -
Coded using CSS and HTML; original design and coding done to client's specifications. Worked to create a friendly, informative design for potential clients.
Wordpress Theme Customization - customization including branding elements, google maps, etc.
email newsletter design - This design was created for a research company with a specialized customer base.
Design is based on a Campaign Monitor template, but is highly customized using HTML and CSS to meet brand standards. No background images are used.
event web banners & ads - I created this family of web banners & ads to market a single event. The goal was to create ads with consistent branding to generate interest in registering for the event.
event web banners & ads - Set of web ads created to promote one event. The goal was to create ads with consistent branding to generate interest in the event.
Website: catalog -
Designed graphics, layout, and identity elements for catalog website, coded basic HTML (outsourced php).