Kaleidoskop Theatre, Betty Love - Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different plays at Kaleidoskop Theatre, Betty Nansen and "Den anden opera"...
Posters for swedish short film, - Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different plays at Kaleidoskop Theatre, Betty Nansen and "Den anden opera"...
Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different - Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different plays at Kaleidoskop Theatre, Betty Nansen and "Den anden opera"...
Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different - Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different plays at Kaleidoskop Theatre, Betty Nansen and "Den anden opera"...
Kaleidoskop Theatre, Kollision - Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different plays at Kaleidoskop Theatre, Betty Nansen and "Den anden opera"...
Kaleidoskop Theatre, Østrig - Posters for theatres in Copenhagen, different plays at Kaleidoskop Theatre, Betty Nansen and "Den anden opera"...
Theatre Posters 2002 - 2003
Lars Kirk
Creative Copenhagen, Denmark