The Paper Pavilion - Conceptualization

The Paper Pavilion/Room at Geylang Bahru, Singapore is a premium furniture showroom specializing in the sales of Cardboard Furniture and other green/recyclable home & office accessories.

"A space as sustainable as the Products"

The Paper Pavilion experiments with new technologies - notably piezo-electricity as a means of generating electricity and at the same time engaging visitors. The acrylic piezo-electric feature wall which spans the reception hall generates electricity through wind & sound vibrations(with acrylic as the receptors and a series of electric boards concealed beneath the layers to harvest the energy)

The space also explores the possibility of living in entirely cardboard environments, exploiting the lighting, structural and acoustic properties of corrugated cardboard, stacked into vertical columns or "treehouses" for the furniture display. Each "treehouse" can be naturally lit by sunlight in the day and also used with ambience lighting at night.

Larry Teo
UI/UX & Brand, Visual Identity Designer with a passion for... Singapore