Thesis Title : Bathroom Design Solutions for Tropical Resorts Conceptual Framework: Sustainable Design theories vis-à-vis actual ecological issues in relation to the use of bathroom facilities. Methodology Applied : The EcoDesign Process by Lewis & Gertsakis Project Result : Unique environmentally-sensitive bathroom solutions with first-of-its-kind water-saving features. Research, survey, market analysis, concept development & CAD renderings presented in 80 pages. Grade awarded: A Submitted to the University of Wales on May 2010 PHOTO CREDITS :
Bathroom Solutions for Tropical Resorts

Thesis: "Bathroom Design Solutions for Tropical Resorts.” Methodology: The EcoDesign Process. Project Result: Environmentally-sensitive design with unique water-saving edge. Research, survey, market analysis, concept development & CAD renderings presented in 80 pages. Grade awarded: A. Submitted to the University of Wales May 2010.

Maria Luisa Roldan
Design for Interior and Exterior Spaces Metro Manila, Philippines