3d Graveyard - School assignment where I had to create a graveyard in 3ds max.
3d Castle - A castle made in 3ds max. The walls where built brick by brick.
3d Spaceship - A spaceship mad in 3ds max, it was made using a block and creating splines and extuding.
3d Knot - Mapping textures. - A knot I created in 3ds max and applied textures to the knot and a reflection to the plane below so that it will reflect the the knot.
LOGO 1 - Ribbons - Logo # 1 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO - 2 Twisted - Logo # 2 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO - 3 Eye - Logo # 3 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO 4 - Brick Builders - Logo # 4 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO 5 - Aloha INC - Logo # 5 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO -6 Angel Flights - Logo # 6 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO 7 - World Connections - Logo # 7 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO - 8 Things - Logo # 8 for my final in 3d modeling
LOGO - 9 Oceans
LOGO - 10 Digital - Logo # 10 for my final in 3d modeling
3d Modeling