The Smartphone UI Concept - This is a concept for  the User Interface, mainly pointed to the Smartphone OS environment with [ large ]  touch screen capability. The concept is available for sale should some of the OS developers be interested.
The Smartphone UI Concept - This is a concept for  the User Interface, mainly pointed to the Smartphone OS environment with [ large ]  touch screen capability. The concept is available for sale should some of the OS developers be interested.
The Smartphone UI Concept - This is a concept for  the User Interface, mainly pointed to the Smartphone OS environment with [ large ]  touch screen capability. The concept is available for sale should some of the OS developers be interested.
The Smartphone UI Concept - This is a concept for  the User Interface, mainly pointed to the Smartphone OS environment with [ large ]  touch screen capability. The concept is available for sale should some of the OS developers be interested.
The Smartphone UI Concept - This is a concept for  the User Interface, mainly pointed to the Smartphone OS environment with [ large ]  touch screen capability. The concept is available for sale should some of the OS developers be interested.
The Smartphone UI Concept - This is a concept for  the User Interface, mainly pointed to the Smartphone OS environment with [ large ]  touch screen capability. The concept is available for sale should some of the OS developers be interested.
Nikšicko Beer website - lab604 | web+appz
Knjaz MIloš - 200 godina u našim genima | Website - lab604 | web+appz
Web activation for Jelen Beer | World Cup South Africa - lab604 | web+appz
Décød3R | Decoder | Mobile Reference App - lab604 | web+appz
lab604 | web+appz - Šaptovic d.o.o. website
web plus apps
Rade Šaptovic
lab604 | the multimedia laboratory Belgrade, Yugoslavia