Library Location, 2014 Graphite Pencil 12"x18" One-point perspective is used when drawing an object and the implied three dimension is created by drawing converging lines that disappear at a vanishing point. (I used two-point perspective in this piece)
Book Still Life, 2014 Graphite Pencil 9"x12" Two-point perspective is used to create an implied three dimensional piece by using two vanishing points on different sides of a horizon line, or your eye level.
Kitchen: A Still Life, 2014 Graphite Pencil 9"x12" Value- lightness or darkness of a color; shadows Space- area around, between, or within a certain component of a piece; either positive or negative Technique can affect an artist's work through use of shading, straight lines, detail, and the correct use of the vanishing points. The work would not seem realistic without these characteristics.
Fantasy Landscape, 2014 Graphite pencil, watercolor, and India ink
Hand, 2015 Graphite pencil
Self Portrait, 2015 Graphite pencil and application for effect
Collage, 2015 Print outs (and copy of portrait), construction paper, and fabric
Gate of the Cemetery, 2015 Scratchboard
M. C. Esher "Stars" Recreation, 2015 Graphite pencil, colored pencils Element change: color Principle change: emphasis
Fruit Painting, 2015 Acrylic Paint
Intermediate Drawing and Painting

What is two-dimensional art?
Two-dimensional art is the implication of a three-dimensional work using perspective and value. Two-dimensional art is created through drawings, paintings, prints, and photos.

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Kylie Piacentino
Architecture Student at Penn State University Austin, TX