This was a main menu I put together. It uses inputs from both a Gamepad and a mouse.
Here, the player can choose to load a file, return to the previous menu or delete local saves. The "Load" option didn't prompt a list of saves, but did act as a "continue" button. However, if you play with the Gamepad and choose "Delete local content", it would actually delete the player's save, allowing you to actually get to a "New Game character select". For some reason, if you don't use the Gamepad, you couldn't do this. Haven't gotten around to fixing that bug.
To teach the students in my class how to do some basic scripting, I created some things in the environment that would react to an "interact" button. The first of which was a set of doors.
Then, I added weapon in the environment that could be retrieved and equipped. This was for the sake of showing the students how to script a bare-bones inventory and reference other actors in a scene at a given time.
I also put together a pause menu that would stop the game entirely and allow the player to click on things without interruption.
After that, I got character movement down a lot better and worked on matching animations to movement properly, giving the illusion that the player is playing a fully fleshed out character, and not just a pair of floating arms!
Then I created an AI that would pursue the player on sight or upon taking damage. The AI could only melee attack and had an animation to show it attacking, along with only being able to deal damage at a specific part of said animation. I also put a health bar above its head so the player could clearly see how much health it had left. In short, I created melee attacks for the player to be able to fight this AI.
Lastly, we created spells to make the game feel a bit more like an Elder Scrolls game, mixing up sword play and spell casting fluidly. The player could cast a fire ball and use a healing spell in the prototype. The fire ball did deal damage to the AI and lit them on fire, as well as the healing spell actually did restore health.
SwordCast: A class project / prototype

*Involvement: I am responsible for the making of this project / prototype in it's entirety, minus the assets used (such as the sword and icons)

In our class, I was making an example project to teach some basic scripting using UE4's Blueprint system that ended up becoming a little more elaborate.

In the project, I have a main menu that responds to mouse input (move the cursor over a button, it lights up and can be clicked to do something). I made 2 menus for the Main menu: The starting "Title Screen" and the "File Select" screen (for after pressing play). My classmates wanted to be able to use a Gamepad, so I made it compatible.

After that, I scripted a basic combat system that resembles The Elder Scrolls : Oblivion (First-person sword swinging and spell casting) that flowed smoothly, and scripted a couple of enemies with random stats and damage to spice up the testing a bit.


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Kyle Walker
Game Development and Level Design League City, TX