CAMO HOUSE: house of history - Christianity in china (St. Paul Ruins - Macau)

In 1927 a civil war between the Kuo Min Tang to communist organizations. Then splitting into two parts, namely Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Taiwan. Since the communist party, which is the only organization in communist China, the Chinese mainland state holding power becomes greatly controlled by the government. At the time of Mao Zhi Dong, education, pilitik, and also the Chinese culture started to shut out the outside world. Additionally agamajuga started being banned in China, many religions began expelled out of the Chinese. One of them Christianity, they also threatened the absence of a definite place of worship, because only a few areas where that is the only registered church can enter China. At that time Christianity has not been registered as a religion that actually still developing at that time. Therefore, the movement of the Christian religion "underground church" which is a movement that gives a new hope for Christians.

Kurniawan Wijaya
Architect North Jakarta, Indonesia