Corporate Identity for the new coating facility for Aso Corp.
Corporate Identity - Created logo concept for new small landscape business. Client wanted a catchy name instead of using their last name. OneEighty Landscape & Turf Management, LLC will "turn your lawn around!"
Flying High Gala Event - This logo created for a gala event honoring two trapeze artists.
Advanced Interior Solutions - This company was a cleaning service for commerical office buildings.
Groove Planet - Record Company in Nashville
Sarasota Rowing Event
Rilascio Logo Concept - This logo was a concept created for a chiropractor/massage therapy office. Rilascio in Italian means "release". Butterfly's are released from their cocoons, so I incorporated the hands to represent the service offered along with the symbol of the butterfly to represent the pain being released from the body.
King's Gate Logo - 50+ Residential Community in Southern Florida
The Art Show at Kobernick House - Annual art and craft show to benefit the elderly in the Jewish community at the Kobernick House.
Kari Swartz
Senior Art Director Sarasota, FL