Public Lecture Series

This project was created in a typography class at Illinois State University in November of 2009. The assignment was to create an advertisement using a 3 column grid structure, with red being the only use of color beyond the black and white. The purpose of the assignment was to use these limitations along with varying text size to create a visually compelling advertisement with emphasis on the important information. The dates were written larger and in red as I felt that information was one of the more important pieces of information on the advertisement, and the contrast would repeat in the viewer's mind. I used the size of the text as a hierarchy for importance of information. The larger text would draw the viewer to look closer at the piece, then they could read the additional content. I placed the entire text at a 45 degree angle because it created a more compelling image, and I felt that it fit the subject matter. Created using Adobe InDesign CS3.

Keith Wilkey
Graphic Designer Baltimore, MD