Abstract portrait
Tulip - Replica, 20x20 cm, acryl
Mere in country - A3, gouache.
Mandala - 30x30 cm, acryl
Watercraft in Salacgriva - A3, gouache
Jasmine - A3, acryl. 2008.
Shoes - A2, acryl. 2010.
Gather - A3, gouache. 2007.
Composition - A2, gouache. 2008.
In the kitchen - A2, gouache. 2009.
Composition - A2, gouache. 2009.
The white jugful - A3, gouache. 2007.
Composition - Impresionism, A2, gouache. 2009.
Waterside - A3, acryl
Fauvism - A2, gouache. 2009.
Wood - A3, gouache
Road - Try impressionism, A3, gouache
Countryside - Impressionism, A3, gouache
Bark - A3, gouache.
Clouds - A3, gouache.
Composition - Try futurism, A3, gouache. 2009.
Child room - A1, acryl. 2010.
Mandala - 30x30cm, acryl. 2012.
Portrait present
Gleznas un glezniņas
Baiba Krumina
Design, Art & Photography Riga, Latvia