Full Plate Club - Standing Recipe Booklet - For a Kraft program targeting young adult women at Publix stores for the first time ever, I wanted to take the standard recipe booklet to a new level. Instead of the usual flip-through booklet, I created a simple fold-and-flip method to make the recipe book stand up. So the consumer can use the recipe as she cooks without having to mess with keeping her page open.
Full Plate Club - Recipe Booklet Folding Instructions
Full Plate Club - Microsite - For more recipes and a chance to earn money back, the target was directed to this microsite from the in-store elements.
Full Plate Club - In-Store Cooler
Full Plate Club - In-Store Product Pallette
Kraft at Publix - Full Plate Club
Kristin Connolly
Creativity + Culture | Storytelling | Human Connection Perth, Australia