International Spy Museum

The International Spy Museum attracts adults and children of all ages but this time the focus was on the children. If they are given an incentive to come back, they will most likely bug their parents long enough to allow them to return. Kids also love games and puzzles. This was key in completing this task.

The solution is a booklet that will change based on each main exhibit in the museum. It will be given to each person in the group, children and adults, before the tour. Inside the booklet is a mission and a removable decoder magnifying glass. Each section of the museum has a question which can only be answered by finding the hidden clue in that specific section. After each one is filled in, one last puzzle must be solved and then the visitor will receive a stamp in their booklet. For however many exhibits there are, there will be that many booklets and in the end one grand prize. It is a fun, interactive game to play while learning about spies.

Kristie Feltner
Graphic Designer St. Augustine, FL